Andrea Passarella is a Research Director at the National Research Council (CNR).
Since September 2024 he is the Director of the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of CNR, and Head of the .it Registry.
He has published more than 230 scientific papers in international journals and conference proceedings, in the fields of Future Internet, mobile networks, social networks, distributed AI, quantum Internet, receiving 5 Best Paper Awards at international conferences. In 2016, he co-founded the international journal Elsevier Online Social Networks and Media, of which he is Associate Editor-in-Chief. He has served as General and Technical Program Chair and held various roles in the organising committees of numerous international conferences in his research fields.
He has coordinated and served as CNR Principal Investigator in several European, national and regional research projects in the fields of mobile networks, future Internet, cyber-physical systems, and distributed AI. Since January 2023 he is Scientific Coordinator of the CNR Spoke and member of the Scientific Committee of the NRRP RESTART (Telecommunications of the Future) project, the main national research initiative in the field of post-5G networks currently active.
He is involved in several Higher Education initiatives, including the board of the national PhD in Artificial Intelligence – AI & Society.
From 2019 to 2023, he served as elected member of the Scientific Council of CNR DIITET, the CNR Department on Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation.
Between 2020 and 2021 he has been one of the members of the Expert Group on Mathematics and Computer Sciences (GEV-01) of ANVUR (the national agency for the evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes), for the national Research Quality Evaluation Exercise 2015-19.